Missouri Western State University
Faculty Senate

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Faculty Senate Minutes - 10/17/2002

Missouri Western State College
Faculty Senate Minutes

October 17, 2002

Call to order:

The meeting was called to order by President Greiert at 4:00 p.m.

Senators present:

Larry Andrews, Ben Caldwell, Bill Church, Richard Cluff, Steven Greiert, Susan Hennessy,
Marilyn Hunt, Michael Ottinger, Robert Klostermeyer, Keith Rhodes, Mike Smith, Randye Williams, Carolyn Windsor

Senators absent:

Brenda Blessing, Mark Mikkelsen, Barry Nelson, John Tapia

Guests present:

Dr. Arnold, Steve Briggs, Phil Mullins, Dr. Scanlon

Approval of minutes from meeting of October 3, 2002:

Minutes of the October 3, 2002 meeting were approved (Williams/Caldwell).

Approval of the agenda:

The agenda for the October 17, 2002 meeting was approved with the deletion of the report from the college diversity team (Ottinger/Andrews).

Report from college president:

Dr. Scanlon reported on the outcomes of the meeting between the college presidents and the
Coordinating Board for Higher Education:
1. An additional State withholding is being proposed for December 2002. Dr. Scanlon
indicated the college budget plan will accommodate this withholding if necessary;
2. CBHE issued a clarification of their role in changing names of colleges. They
indicated that name changes was a legislative matter. Dr. Scanlon plans to pursue
the issue with the legislative respresentatives;
3. Community colleges have filed a letter with CBHE requesting to be the sole provider
of off-campus general studies courses, remedial and developmental courses, and associate
degrees. Dissension has been expressed by presidents from higher education. CBHC will
establish a commission in April, 2003 to review the manner if college presidents cannot
resolve the issue by that time.

Report from vice president for academic and student affairs:

Dr. Arnold reported on the following:
1. Legislative forums held on campus were effective at educating legislators
on issues of concern to Western including equity and the name change;
2. Planning teams have submitted a written report to Enrollment Management
and the writing process is underway;
3. An individual has been hired for the registrar’s position;
4. The process for reporting midterm grades has been modified to improve
5. School Deans have been asked to work with Department Chairs to review
proposals for vacant positions within departments;
6. Copies of the policy guide were distributed to all Faculty Senate members.

Report from faculty senate executive committee:

President Greiert reported the following activities:
1. Jeanie Crain has been designated to attend the Friday October 18 meeting of MAFS.
There will be another meeting in February which Steve Greiert plans on attending;
2. Senator Nelson’s report on proposed changes to the current insurance plans will be
sent to all faculty by email. All faculty are encouraged to attend the discussion of these
changes on either October 24 or October 25;
3. A meeting will be held with Ron Olinger to discuss security issues.

Old Business:

Grievance Proposal: Mr. Steven Briggs reported he had reviewed the proposal and
will be meeting with the subcommittee to discuss: minor language
changes; peer review; use of attorneys; and the role of attorneys.
Questions for Mr. Briggs followed. The subcommittee plans to
meet with Mr. Briggs the week of October 21 and will offer a
report to the Senate on November 21, 2002.

Faculty Nominations: President Greiert requested nominations be submitted for the
Ad hoc Parking Committee and the College Diversity Team.
Senator Hunt requested a description of the charges for the
College Diversity Team prior to selecting members. President
Greiert indicated the charges would be distributed to senators
and that Ernie Stufflebean will be attending a senate meeting
to discuss the Team.

New Business:



Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. (Hennessy/Williams).

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Windsor
Faculty Senate Secretary