Missouri Western State University
Faculty Senate

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Faculty Senate Minutes - 9/19/2002

Missouri Western State College
Faculty Senate Minutes

September 19, 2002

Call to order:

The meeting was called to order by President Greiert at 4:00 p.m.

Senators present:

Larry Andrews, Brenda Blessing, Ben Caldwell, Bill Church, Richard Cluff, Steven Greiert,
Susan Hennessy, Robert Klostermeyer, Mark Mikkelsen, Barry Nelson, Michael Ottinger,
Keith Rhodes, Mike Smith, John Tapia, Randye Williams, Carolyn Windsor

Senators absent:

Marilyn Hunt

Guests present:

Todd Eckdahl, Jon Euchner, Ali Kamali, Denise Smith, Dr. Arnold, Dr. Scanlon

Approval of minutes from meeting of September 5, 2002:

Minutes of the September 5, 2002 meeting were approved (Cluff/Andrews).

Approval of the agenda:

The agenda for the September 19, 2002 meeting was approved (Ottinger/Williams).

Report from college president:

Dr. Scanlon distributed copies of the second annual Points of Pride to senators and praised faculty and students for their accomplishments in 2002-2003. He indicated that the Points of Pride could be utilized in a variety of ways including the recruitment of students and increasing the public’s awareness of the college’s accomplishments. He also presented a budget update which had been sent out as an email to all employees on September 18, 2002. He indicated that he and
Dr. Arnold will continue to work with the Coordinating Board for Higher Education regarding the equity issue and the Coordinating Board’s review of the college’s performance measures.

Report from college vice president for academic and student affairs:

Dr. Arnold reported on the progress of the Enrollment Management teams as well as his plans to
meet with department chairs/faculty and the Promotion and Tenure Committee.

Report from faculty senate executive committee:

Senator Windsor reported that she and President Greiert had met with officers from the Support Staff Association and officers from the Professional Staff Association to discuss the merit of a ShareLeave Program. President Greiert suggested further discussion with officers from the associations to consider faculty participation and support.

Senator Nelson reviewed membership on Faculty Senate committees, clarifying changes noted on
Faculty Senate Minutes of September 5, 2002, Attachment C.

President Greiert reported on the Summit in Higher Education which he attended on September 12, 2002. He further reported he had met with a student senator from the Student Government Association and discussed issues of concern to students. President Greiert indicated numerous faculty had shared concerns with him as well, including: the issues of dual credit; evaluation of the Tenure Policy; evaluation of deans by chairs and faculty; analysis of budgets in the two schools; and control of continuing education monies.

Old Business:

Merit Pay: President Greiert stated that there was a motion regarding merit pay on the
table from the Faculty Salary Committee. Motion made to remove
merit pay from the table (Klostermeyer/Caldwell). Vote taken.
Motion passed. Discussion followed with senators asking questions
of Todd Eckdahl and Denise Smith. Following discussion, Denise Smith
requested: 1) Committee charges for this year to include further work
on the Merit Plan; 2) Todd Eckdahl be retained as a consultant to the
committee; 3) Department chairs be ex-officio members of the committee;
4) Committee to meet with Department chairs for input; 5) Use 1% of
current funding level for merit. Discussion among senators followed the
request. Motion made to retable merit pay (Rhodes/Andrews). Motion
carried and moved to New Business.

New Business:

Merit Pay: Motion by Rhodes/Caldwell to further investigate merit pay
and recharge the committee with specific charges. Senator Tapia
raised point of order stating Senator Rhodes was out of order making
two motions in which the previous motion to table was a parallel motion
to the last motion made by Senator Rhodes. President Greiert recognized
Senator Tapia as correct in point of order. Senator Rhodes moved to
give new charges to the Faculty Salary Committee. Seconded by Senator
Caldwell. Discussion ensued. Senator Blessing called point of order
indicating that discussion should not continue as this is a motion under
new business and should be taken up at the next meeting. President
Greiert recognized Senator Blessing’s point of order and discussion ceased.

No further new business.


Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. (Hennessy/Williams).

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Windsor
Faculty Senate Secretary