Missouri Western State University
Faculty Senate

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Faculty Senate Minutes - 1/30/2003

Missouri Western State College
Faculty Senate Minutes

January 30, 2003

Call to order:

The meeting was called to order by President Greiert at 4:10 p.m.

Senators present:

Larry Andrews, Ben Caldwell, Bill Church, Steven Greiert, Susan Hennessy, Marilyn Hunt,
Michael Ottinger, Mark Mikkelsen, Barry Nelson, Keith Rhodes, Randye Williams, Carolyn Windsor

Senators absent:

Brenda Blessing, Richard Cluff, Mike Smith, John Tapia

Guests present:

Christa Adam, Bonnie Alsbury, Vice President David Arnold, Larry Lawson, Steve Lorimor

Approval of minutes:

Minutes of the January 16, 2003 meeting were approved (Hunt/Andrews).

Approval of the agenda:

The agenda for the January 30, 2003 meeting was approved (Mikkelsen/Caldwell).

Report from college president:

Vice President Arnold reported that President Scanlon is out of town.

Report from vice president for academic and student affairs:

Vice President Arnold reported on the following:
1) He has met with the Promotion and Tenure Committee and has posed a number of
questions to them which addressed the evaluation process, including peer review, and
“workload” issues;
2) He testified before a Senate committee in Jefferson City about a name change for
Missouri Western from “college” to “university”;
3) He discussed the status of funding for the college, indicating that February 14 would
be the deadline for the legislature to make a decision about the tobacco funds. He stated
that, if the tobacco funds were not approved, there would be another 10% cut in higher
education monies. He assured senators that Western is prepared for possible additional
4) He noted that President Scanlon had been meeting with the presidents of the four-
year and two-year colleges to promote stronger working relationships.

Several senators asked questions about promotion and tenure, and Arnold indicated that there was a need to identify current problems and to develop a plan outlining solutions.

Report from faculty senate executive committee:

Senate Vice President Nelson summarized the election procedures for the February election
of senators and for the special election to replace Robert Klostermeyer. He indicated that ballots have been distributed to faculty with the names of two nominees to fill the position vacated by Klostermeyer. These ballots will be picked up on Monday, February 3, from all the departments.
The regular election of senators will be held in February, with LAS offering the names of eight nominees and PS offering the names of six nominees. He further added that, because of current unfilled faculty positions, a reduction in the number of faculty at Western has occurred. This led to a decrease in the number of senate positions for each school. The distribution of open positions for election by schools is: LAS will have four positions; and PS will have three positions.

Senate President Greiert reported on the following:
1) The school meetings were held on January 21 and 23. Each school selected
nominees for the February election. Peer review was also discussed and departments
were requested to submit a progress report to the senate and to the two academic deans
by May 1, 2003;
2) The Fringe Benefits committees met jointly on January 22 with questions asked of
Ron Ollinger and Human Resources staff about health insurance, hiring practices, and
the status of benefits for retirees. Representatives from the committees indicated a desire
to meet together once a semester. Fringe Benefit representatives from the support staff
and the professional staff also said, however, that they desire to retain autonomy for
their respective Fringe Benefits committees rather than unite into one college-wide Fringe
Benefits committee;
3) Phil Mullins and college attorney, Steve Briggs, have discussed the adhoc grievance
report. A report will be to the senate on February 20;
4) Greiert will be attending the Missouri Association of Faculty Senates on February 3 and
February 4 and anticipates discussions about unionization, faculty representation on
college and university boards of regents, and equity funding;
5) Greiert will be out of town February 17, 18, 19. If senators have questions prior
to the February 20 meeting, they can contact Barry Nelson or Carolyn Windsor.

Report from faculty senate curriculum committee:

Christa Adam, chair of the committee, indicated that the corrected summary of proposals has been distributed to senators. Adam asked Larry Lawson, chair of the Business Department , to summarize the department’s proposal. Lawson distributed copies of the “Probable 2003
Implementation” (Attachment A). Lawson indicated that his department’s proposal was driven by a number of factors including accreditation and funding. Greiert raised questions about the number of faculty needed to implement the proposal, and Lawson responded that the maximum number needed would be nine and the minimum number needed would be three for accreditation. Greiert said that the department would be setting a precedent, and other departments might want to be allowed the same opportunity to submit curricular proposals in stages. Other questions by senators focused on consequences to the department if the proposal could not be implemented. Vice President Arnold congratulated Lawson on the proposed restructuring of the department curriculum, noting it was a responsible and practical approach. Senators commended Lawson, Adam, and the curriculum committee for their work.

Greiert requested that it be noted that the curriculum report had been received. The curriculum proposals will be presented to the CGAC on February 13 at 3:30 p.m.

Old Business:

None was brought forward at this time.

New Business:

Senator Caldwell made a motion recommending the Promotion and Tenure committee review the time tables in the policy guide for both promotion (p.91) and tenure (p.99) and work with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs to adjust the time tables to minimize or eliminate any overlap in the two schedules. Motion seconded by Williams. There was no discussion. Vote taken. Recommendation from Caldwell (SR01.03) approved (Hennessy/Andrews).

Senator Church made a motion to amend the Policy Guide, VIII, A. 2-3 and VIII A. 1. changing
“full-time teaching experience” to “full-time service” (Attachment B). Seconded by Rhodes. This motion will be on the agenda for the February 6 meeting.
Motion by Caldwell to accept the recommendation from the Curriculum Committee to add the semester designation of Departmental Discretion (DD) to courses listed in the catalog and delete the semester designation of “On demand”(Attachment C) Seconded by Williams. This motion will be on the agenda for the February 6 meeting.

Motion by Nelson to amend the Policy Guide Section Two: Academic and Instructional Policies; number VI. Curriculum Development; part B Curricular Constraints; number 2. Baccalaureate degree programs (Attachment D). No second was forthcoming from any senator.

Motion by Rhodes that the Academic Regulations and Standards Committee review the Academic Honesty Policy and consider ways to enhance the penalties for proven cases of cheating. Seconded by Williams. This motion will be on the agenda for the February 6 meeting.

Motion by Hunt requesting the Promotion and Tenure Committee recommend to faculty senate minimum standards for promotion and tenure to replace and/or supplement those currently identified in the Policy Guide. Seconded by Mikkelsen. This motion will be on the agenda for the February 6 meeting.

Motion by Hunt that the Faculty Senate recommend to the college president and to the board of regents that no curriculum be approved that will result in any additional operating costs until the Fall of 2004. Seconded by Church. This motion will be on the agenda for the February 6 meeting.

Motion by Mikkelsen to accept the duty changes proposed by the curriculum committee (Attachment E). Seconded by Caldwell. This will be presented as a resolution at the February 6 meeting.

Greiert again asked for a second to Nelson’s motion. Motion by Nelson to amend the Policy
Guide Section Two: Academic and Instructional Policies; number VI. Curriculum Development;
part B Curricular Constraints; number 2. Baccalaureate degree programs (Attachment D). Seconded by Windsor.


Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. (Hunt/Hennessy).

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Windsor
Faculty Senate Secretary