Missouri Western State University
Faculty Senate

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Special Senate Nominating Meeting - 3/23/2004

Missouri Western State College

Faculty Senate Minutes

March 23, 2004

"Special Meeting"

Call to Order:

Senate President Barry Nelson called the meeting to order at 4:03 pm

Senators present:

Blessing, Caldwell, Haney, Hegeman, Holian, Hunt, Nandan, Noynaert, Ottinger, Tushaus, Wacek, Williams, Senate President Nelson, Senate Vice-President Tapia, Senate Secretary Andrews, Senate Past President Greiert.

Approval of agenda:

The agenda for the "special meeting" to nominate Faculty Senate Officers for the 2004-2005 academic year was approved.

(Senator Blessing/Senator Hunt)

(vote unanimous)


For President -

Senate Vice-President John Tapia (nominated by Senator Haney)
Senate Secretary Larry Andrews (nominated by Senator Blessing)

Motion to close nominations for President (Senator Ottinger/Senator Blessing)

(vote unanimous)

For Vice-President -

Senator Randye Williams (nominated by Senator Blessing)
Senator Jennifer Hegeman (nominated by Senator Noynaert)
Senate Secretary Larry Andrews (nominated by Senator Caldwell)
Senate Secretary Andrews declined the nomination for Vice-President and thanked Senator Caldwell for the nomination.

Motion to close nominations for Vice-President (Senator Hunt/Senator Ottinger)

(vote unanimous)

For Secretary -

Senator Michael Ottinger (nominated by Senator Hegeman)

Motion to close nominations (Senator Caldwell/Senator Haney)

(vote unanimous)

Discussion on how the vote was to be conducted was held with agreement that the vote would be by ballot.

Motion (Senator Blessing/Senator Noynaert)

"to vote and report results for each office individually beginning with President prior to voting for Vice-President, vote and report results for Vice- President prior to voting on Secretary."

(vote unanimous)

Senate President Nelson advised the Senate that the vote on the new Senate Officers would be this Thursday, March 25, 2004 at 4:30 pm in SU 222

Motion to adjourn:

Faculty Senate was adjourned at 4:08 pm

(Senators Ottinger/Senator Blessing)

(vote unanimous)

Respectfully submitted,

Larry D. Andrews, EdS
MWSC Faculty Senate Secretary