Missouri Western State University
Faculty Senate

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Minutes - 4/11/2002

Missouri Western State College
Faculty Senate Minutes

Special Session for Election of Officers
April 11, 2002

Call to order:

The special session for election of Senate officers for academic year 2002-2003 was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Senate President Robert Klostermeyer.

Incumbent senators present:

Larry Andrews, Ben Caldwell, Bill Church, Steven Greiert, Marilyn Hunt, Keith Rhodes, Carolyn Windsor

Incumbent senators absent:

Brenda Blessing, Michael Smith

2002-2004 senators-elect present:

Richard Cluff, Robert Klostermeyer, Mark Mikkelsen, Barry Nelson, Michael Ottinger

2002-2004 senators-elect absent

Susan Hennessy, John Tapia, Randye Williams

Election of senate officers for academic year 2002-2003:

President Klostermeyer opened the floor for any additional nominations for president. With none forthcoming, Steven Greiert was elected by acclamation.

Klostermeyer then opened the floor for any additional nominations for vice president. With none forthcoming, Barry Nelson was elected by acclamation.

Klostermeyer then opened the floor for any additional nominations for secretary. With none forthcoming, Carolyn Windsor was elected by acclamation.


President Klostermeyer adjourned the special session at 4:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

G. Barry Nelson
Faculty Senate Secretary