Missouri Western State University
Faculty Senate

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Minutes - 10/21/1999

Call to order:

President Mikkelsen called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.

Senators present:

Aschermann, Bargar, Brandt, Brooks, Cronk, Greiert, Leonard, McLear, Mikkelsen, Nelson, Reidy, Roberts,
Wagner, Wallner

Senators absent:

Fowler, Hamzaee


Janet Murphy, president of Missouri Western State College


Jeanie Crain, Jennifer Hegeman, Kathyrne Mueller, Evan Noynaert, Cornelius Van Dyke

Minutes of the previous meeting:

The minutes of the October 7, 1999 meeting were approved with the following correction (Leonard/Roberts):

In the section entitled “Discussion of General Education Steering Committee’s Proposal for General Studies,”
replace the following text:

“Crain distributed an untitled document (which is a subsection of pages 4 and 5 of the original full proposal of
the GESC) (available by request) which describes the Prescribed General Education Curriculum and the
Program-to-Program Institutionally Articulated Degrees, around which some discussion followed.”

with text as follows:

“she distributed pages 4 and 5, A1 Credit Transfer, which is a subsection of the full Credit Transfer Policy.
These pages describe the Prescribed General Education Curriculum and the Program-to-Program Institutionally
Articulated Degrees. Discussion followed.”

Report from the college president:

MWSC president Murphy reported that she has been working with the city of Saint Joseph for the purpose of
procuring a lobbyist to represent the city in state and legislative matters in Jefferson City. She further reported
that the college budget is now on its way to the governor.

Report from the faculty senate executive committee:

President Mikkelsen expressed thanks to David Bennett for his successful leading of last Thursday’s general
faculty meeting at which the General Education Steering Committee’s proposal was discussed. Updated
materials concerning the GESC proposal had been distributed during today’s faculty senate work session,
including the revised GESC “Comparison of Current A.1 General Education Transfer Policy (1998) with
Proposed General Education Policy Revision (1999),” a list of “Concerns Identified,” a revised agenda for the
October 26-27 conference on general studies to be held at Columbia, and a roster of registrations received to date
for that conference, showing institutions represented and numbers of paid and unpaid registrations. Vice-
president Wallner then encouraged senate committee liaisons to remind their respective secretaries that meeting
minutes should be sent to the senate vice-president on a regular basis (to date, none have been submitted).

Old business:

MOTION: Add a fourth subcategory, computer literacy, to the list of required Category One – Basic Skills
courses, and allow students to satisfy this requirement either by completing one of two existing courses, CSC
100 Computer Literacy or CSC 101 Computers and Information Technology, or by passing a proficiency
examination (McLear/Cronk)

Senator Nelson moved to table the motion, seconded by Senator Wagner. Nelson’s motion to table was
approved by voice vote (12 yes, 1 abstention). Some informal discussion followed in which senators and guests
expressed the desire that research efforts to determine the merits of the proposal be continued.

New business:

MOTION: The Missouri Western Faculty Senate rejects unequivocally the proposed statewide general studies
education guidelines put forth by the General Education Steering Committee (Greiert/Nelson)

Senator Cronk moved to suspend the rules so that the senate could deal with the proposed motion immediately,
seconded by Senator Wagner.

Senator McLear requested a roll-call vote on the motion to suspend the rules. The motion to suspend passed
unanimously (13 yes).

Discussion followed, during which Senator Greiert amended his motion to read: “The Missouri Western Faculty
Senate rejects the proposed statewide general studies education guidelines put forth by the General Education
Steering Committee.”

Senator McLear called the question to end discussion, which was approved by unanimous vote (13 yes).

Senator McLear requested a roll-call vote on the original motion. The motion passed with 10 yes votes
(Aschermann, Brooks, Nelson, Bargar, Brandt, Cronk, Greiert, Leonard, McLear, Wallner), and 3 abstentions
(Reidy, Wagner, Roberts).

MOTION: The Missouri Western State College Faculty Senate fully supports all efforts to provide for faculty
representation on the governing boards at each of the public colleges and universities in the State of Missouri.
Such faculty representation shall be selected from names submitted to the Governor of the State of Missouri by
faculty governance bodies or by the president and/or executive committee of the faculty governance bodies at
each of the state’s public colleges or universities (Cronk/Brooks).


The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m. (Cronk/Bargar).

Respectfully submitted,

G. Barry Nelson, secretary