Missouri Western State University
Faculty Senate

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Minutes - 11/1/2001

Missouri Western State College
Faculty Senate Minutes
November 1, 2001

Call to order:

The meeting was called to order by Senate president Klostermeyer at 4:05 p.m.

Senators present:

Larry Andrews, Brenda Blessing, Mike Cadden, Bill Church, Steven Greiert, Robert Klostermeyer, Barry Nelson, Evan Noynaert, Sally Radmacher, Keith Rhodes, Mike Smith, John Tapia, Kelly Williams, Carolyn Windsor

Senators absent:
Ben Caldwell, Marilyn Hunt, Mark Mikkelsen

Ex-officio members present:

James Roever, vice president for academic affairs

Guest present:

Brent Walker, Chairperson of professional leave committee

Approval of minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting October 4, 2001 were approved (Nelson) with the following correction: within the "Report from vice president for academic affairs," replace the text (in the 'General Studies' page of 'Academics') with (in the 'General Education Status Report').

Approval of agenda:

The agenda for today's meeting was approved as proposed (Greiert).

Report from college president:


Report from vice president for academic affairs:

James Roever, vice president for academic affairs, reported that the general education status report has been posted on the college web site since October 5 for the purpose of allowing interested parties to comment; however, there have been no comments as of yet. Some discussion concerning the general studies matters followed.

Executive committee report:

Robert Klostermeyer, Senate president, reported that the Senate executive committee has met for discussion of institutional committee appointments and other matters prior to its scheduled meeting with President Scanlon. The committee then met with Scanlon for a one-hour discussion of various issues and matters.

Senator Greiert reported on Senate institutional committee appointments (see Attachment A), noting that President Scanlon had discontinued the academic advisement council. President Klostermeyer asked for other nominations from the floor. With no other nominations forthcoming, Senator Greiert moved to accept these nominations, whereupon they were accepted by unanimous consent.

Senator Greiert then moved to replace Virendra Varma with Larry Andrews for service on the grievance committee; the motion passed unanimously. Greiert then distributed an updated 2001-2002 Faculty Senate Committee Roster (see Appendix B).

Finally, Klostermeyer strongly encouraged more faculty involvement in college committees.

Professional leave committee report:

President Klostermeyer asked for a motion to close the meeting pursuant to Missouri Statute 610.021(3) to consider personnel matters. Senator Rhodes so moved; by unanimous consent, the body went into a closed session for the purpose of discussing the professional leave committee report.

Those recommended by the committee for leave, along with their particular projects or leave activities (listed in alphabetical order) are:
Jon Euchner: Writing a book on Iowa Politics
Dale Krueger: Doing research on personality and executive positions with
businesses in Phoenix, AZ
Mark Mikkelsen: Translating the works of Kant on race
Monica Nandan: Doing research with elderly Indian Asian Americans (one
semester recommended)
Mike Smith: Developing presentations and articles on a student-teacher project
These recommendations from the professional leave committee are subject to review and/or approval by the vice president for academic affairs, the college president, and the college board of regents.

Following the report, Senator Andrews moved to re-open the meeting; by unanimous consent, the meeting was re-opened. Senator Greiert moved to receive the professional leave committee report; by unanimous consent, the report was received. Senator Blessing voiced commendation for the admirable work of the committee, noting especially the splendid work of its chairperson Brent Walker.

Preliminary curriculum committee report:
In the absence of committee chair Robert Nulph, Senator Smith, liaison to the curriculum committee, conveyed the committee's request that the general studies committee look at four of the curriculum proposals ahead of the scheduled time and before being approved by the curriculum committee (thus bypassing the procedure mandated by the Missouri Western State College Policy Guide), so that they would go into effect at the start of the next academic year (2002/2003). Considerable discussion followed, at the conclusion of which the Senate took no action on this request from the curriculum committee, other than requesting adherence to standard procedures defined by the Policy Guide.

Old business:


New business:

MOTION SB 01-02.01 (Greiert): That the name of the Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences be changed to the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and that the name of the Division of Professional Studies be changed to the School of Professional Studies.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. (Blessing)

G. Barry Nelson
Faculty Senate Secretary